读书笔记: Programming in Lua, 4th Edition.


print(8*9, 9/8)
a = math.sin(3) + math.cos(10)
-- add the elements of sequence 'a'
function add (a)
    local sum = 0
    for i = 1, #a do
        sum = sum + a[i]
    return sum

if the function has one single argument and that argument is either a literal string or a table constructor, then the parentheses are optional:


print "Hello World"     <-->    print("Hello World")
dofile 'a.lua'          <-->    dofile ('a.lua')
print [[a multi-line    <-->    print([[a multi-line
      message]]                     message]])
f{x=10, y=20}           <-->    f({x=10, y=20})
type{}                  <-->    type({})

We can call a function with a number of arguments different from its number of parameters. Lua adjusts the number of arguments to the number of parameters by throwing away extra arguments and supplying nils to extra parameters. For instance, consider the next function:


function f (a, b)
    print(a, b)

f() –> nil nil
f(3) –> 3 nil
f(3, 4) –> 3 4
f(3, 4, 5) –> 3 4 (5 is discarded)

function incCount (n)
    n = n or 1
    globalCounter = globalCounter + n

Multiple Results

function maximum (a)
    local mi = 1 -- index of the maximum value
    local m = a[mi] -- maximum value
    for i = 1, #a do
        if a[i] > m then
            mi = i; m = a[i]
    return m, mi -- return the maximum and its index
print(maximum({8,10,23,12,5})) --> 23 3

Lua always adjusts the number of results from a function to the circumstances of the call.

When we call a function as a statement, Lua discards all results from the function.

When we use a call as an expression (e.g., the operand of an addition), Lua keeps only the first result.

We get all results only when the call is the last (or the only) expression in a list of expressions.

function foo0 () end                  -- returns no results
function foo1 () return "a" end       -- returns 1 result
function foo2 () return "a", "b" end  -- returns 2 results
x, y = foo2()                 -- x="a", y="b"
x = foo2()                    -- x="a", "b" is discarded
x, y, z = 10, foo2()          -- x=10, y="a", z="b"
x,y = foo0() -- x=nil, y=nil
x,y = foo1() -- x="a", y=nil
x,y,z = foo2() -- x="a", y="b", z=nil

Remember that multiple results only happen when the call is the last (or only) expression in a list. A function call that is not the last element in the list always produces exactly one result:

x,y = foo2(), 20 -- x="a", y=20 ('b' discarded)
x,y = foo0(), 20, 30 -- x=nil, y=20 (30 is discarded)
print(foo0()) --> (no results)
print(foo1()) --> a
print(foo2()) --> a b
print(foo2(), 1) --> a 1
print(foo2() .. "x") --> ax (see next)

A constructor also collects all results from a call, without any adjustments:

t = {foo0()} -- t = {} (an empty table)
t = {foo1()} -- t = {"a"}
t = {foo2()} -- t = {"a", "b"}

As always, this behavior happens only when the call is the last expression in the list; calls in any other position produce exactly one result:

t = {foo0(), foo2(), 4} -- t[1] = nil, t[2] = "a", t[3] = 4

We can force a call to return exactly one result by enclosing it in an extra pair of parentheses:

print((foo0())) --> nil
print((foo1())) --> a
print((foo2())) --> a

Variadic Functions 可变参数

function add(...)
    local s = 0
    for _, v in ipairs{...} do
        s = s + v
    return s
print(add(3, 4, 10, 25, 12)) --> 54

Lua offers the function table.pack.1 This function receives any number of arguments and returns a new table with all its arguments (just like {…}), but this table has also an extra field “n”, with the total number of arguments.

function nonils(...)
    local arg = table.pack(...)
    for i = 1, arg.n do
        if arg[i] == nil then
            return false
    return true

print(nonils(2,3,nil)) –> false
print(nonils(2,3)) –> true
print(nonils()) –> true
print(nonils(nil)) –> false

A call to select has always one fixed argument, the selector, plus a variable number of extra arguments. If the selector is a number n, select returns all arguments after the n-th argument; otherwise, the selector should be the string “#”, so that select returns the total number of extra arguments.

print(select(1, "a", "b", "c")) --> a b c
print(select(2, "a", "b", "c")) --> b c
print(select(3, "a", "b", "c")) --> c
print(select("#", "a", "b", "c")) --> 3
function add (...)
    local s = 0
        for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
            s = s + select(i, ...)
    return s


A special function with multiple returns is table.unpack. It takes a list and returns as results all elements from the list:

print(table.unpack{10,20,30}) --> 10 20 30
a,b = table.unpack{10,20,30} -- a=10, b=20, 30 is discarded

As the name implies, table.unpack is the reverse of table.pack. While pack transforms a parameter list into a real Lua list (a table), unpack transforms a real Lua list (a table) into a return list, which can be given as the parameter list to another function.

function unpack (t, i, n)
    i = i or 1
    n = n or #t
    if i <= n then
        return t[i], unpack(t, i + 1, n)

Proper Tail Calls
