
location /static/ {
alias static/;

pid tmp/-nginx.pid;

This number should be at maxium the number of CPU on the server

worker_processes 4;

events {
# Number of connections per worker
worker_connections 4096;

http {
# use sendfile
sendfile on;

# Va initialization

server {
    # List port
    listen {{PORT}};
    set $template_root '';

    # Access log with buffer, or disable it completetely if unneeded
    access_log logs/{{VA_ENV}}-access.log combined buffer=16k;
    # access_log off;

    # Error log
    error_log logs/{{VA_ENV}}-error.log;

    # Va runtime

    // 在此处加入静态链接的设置
    location /static/ {
        alias static/;
